Montessori In Practices, Supporting The Independence of The Children

Montessori is to support the independence of the children

Supporting Children's Independence
Supporting Children's Independence

Montessori at home, so for those of you who always ask me how it can be more mature at home that would mean you have to really step back and observe more give space to your child and then give them the chance to become more independent. I feel that nowadays we parents DOS by far much more than we should do. For our children and quite often this is because we don't have time.

So, I understand it's so much easier for me to put the shoes on Mika then to let him put his own shoes. It's so much easier for me to wash the dishes or to set up the table than to ask him to help me which means sometimes a mess when he was a little one. Which means he can spin things we can reach me he can break things, however, this is really important and paid off in the long term so

Supporting Children Independence

You can do in various ways at home, you can let them zip their jackets and rotten and important their cardigans put their shoes on I know that there are these fancy shoes and converse and other cool shoes. I really like as well when I put on Mika, however, they're not great because when they're three and four years old. They cannot really put them on. You still have to help them so use them only occasionally. Make sure you have shoes with belt velco let's say that they can put by themselves another thing

Get them engaged in your family life

Supporting Children's Independence
Supporting Children's Independence

A lot of parents, I totally don't see that around me. I do it, but again, I had to step back and observe and really stop myself and even up to date. I do that let them help you let them clean with the vacuum which means you have to clean after them. Let them wash the dishes which means you have to wash the dishes after them. 

Cooking assignments so when you cook in the kitchen. They can come and cut the cucumbers and the food and everything around you and help you with that mica always loves to help me when they make the banana pancakes. So he's mixing the eggs and you know there are different things that I feel that it's so much easier if I do it but who wants to and quite often. We want our children to help when they're older and we say, oh, I'm so annoyed my child doesn't do anything at home. But, then we forgot that when they were little and wanted to help. We kept saying no no no I can do it now no. So everything that it's a practical life skill which is a huge area of the Montessori.

Montessori curriculum is something which you can explore at home. How early you can start very early tidying up toys. You can start from the moment you give them some toys And festivities they may not do it and they certainly won't do it for at least a year. A year and a half, but if you're persistent if you keep doing it, they you see you're doing it another thing with language and creating favorable environment and working for independence is as well how you can.

Allow them to build confidence by using their language

Supporting Children's Independence
Supporting Children's Independence

So what I mean by that is try to ask as many open-ended questions as possible. It takes a little bit of practice, but it's very powerful because especially when we're looking at their work. We quite often say, oh okay, she is this a helicopter or is this a boat. The child is what's going on, you know they just give my dream this is a spaceship or it's whatever. They build so learn to ask open any questions to read out any assumptions of what you see on the work or what you think. They are expressing or feeling at the moment another thing in

Growth Mindset

Montessori which is also now. I know more about the growth mindset now. I know more about how to support my child's development is about how it praise them Montessori is very much about the process rather than the result very similar to the growth Montessori mindset by CarolDweck. You know, if you haven't read the book by Carol Dweck the mindset please do. What do I mean by that it's like when a child is drawn or doing something they don't really care about the end result and that's hard for us to understand because we adults has been so much thought since our primary school and secondary school. To focus on the end result rather than the process that perhaps when we do something we do it with the end in mind.

So we are looking forward when it's over can evaluate our work based on how the result is children don't care about these things. They're drawn and they may leave it and finish just because they enjoy the drawing part so it's very much about if you don't pray for a child do. It in descriptive way I did a video about praising. So I will link it somewhere and I'll definitely link it in the comment box below so please go and watch it. I found that description praising has so much to do with Montessori and did not even make the link initially and last two things I want to mention.

Give enough time to your child time

Doesn't exist for children and we get so annoyed when they're toddlers. We are running somewhere and we are late and we have to go to a certain place. They are not cooperative they're not cooperative because they don't really care about our schedule because time doesn't exist to the point. If they're walking in the park and they see a back they can spend half an hour just looking at this bug. Right, so for them they are at the moment they're present, so they're actually biologically they're in mourning in alpha brainwaves rather than beta where we are. So you can't blame them for that so what I always say to parents. 

I always encompass that myself, please do not wait until you wake up your child and give them only 20minutes for breakfast, for preparation before you go out, for your meeting appointments or school or nurseries. Make sure that you get up earlier so that they have enough space in the morning. So you don't have to bug them and push them. Say okay, right, we're late, we're late, we're late trying to make it, it's effortless is it's possible for them and trust me that would make it much easier for you a last thing that it's not only Montessori I feel that that's the most one of

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