Find Out All About Montessori Methodology And Philosophy

The main things I'm going to share first is follow the child Montessori speaks about an individual approach that every single child is different. Every single child for their own pace. We should not treat them as they learn at the same pace. We should not treat them as they're interested in the same Things. For the whole teaching following the child and their inner drive respecting. Their inner motives are things that are helping the child to learn and their own terms and in what the Saudi school.

Montessori Methods

There is no competition, there are in any grades there is no comparison. There aren't any homeworks it's all about what the child wants to do and how the chai want to do it in an environment that is specifically created to support his desires. Another fundamental is a respect and encouragement of the Absorbent mind and the sensitive periods according to the Montessori child from birth to six years of age. Possess something absorbent mind so when kids are little between zero and three of age, they learn how to oak how to turn how to feed themselves they learn by themselves. They don't need to learn anything from us, we don't impose it on them.

They watch us and they take information from the environment, but they have the inner and try to learn by themselves. Montessori Method believes that between zero and six when the child is such an absorbent mind. They can learn effortlessly and nothing later in life can match the way and the intensity with which they learn at this stage of their lives. The reason why there is they are so absorbent is due to the so-called sensitive periods and they're all the teacher who is Montessori trained is to know and recognize these sensitive periods so that she can facilitate a help the child in the setting to dive deeper into the Sensitive.

Into the sensitive periods when a child is in sensitive period they are in a stage very similar like they're in a flow. They're so deeply observed in the work that they're doing the activity they're engaging with that they learn with a very intense rate so these are times when the child should not be interrupted in a Montessori setting. 

It's easy because features are careful with that at home it's much harder often when our children are concentrated on something we break their concentration telling them it's time to go, it's time to eat, it's time to do this or that so we don't really in adult life ruled by adults or a child it is really hard to get to these stages of deep concentration another core element of.

The philosophy of Maria Montessori is freedom kids need to be given the freedom they need to be given a freedom to go and explore places by themselves. Making sure that they are safe and by giving them freedom within limits within the setting within the grounds that have been built for them. We are allowing them to express their creativity in various ways, some of the critics of Montessori metal say that there is too much freedom given to little kids.

This is not exactly true because it's freedom within limits there are some ground rules everywhere in Montessori settings, which needs to be kept in each to be followed such as respect for others, respect for yourself respect for the environment and preferably these freedoms expands to outdoor spaces as well. So, in the best case scenario Montessori setting would always have a free flow from the garden from a setting where the kids can choose to go whenever they want. 

Montessori School

Another very important concept of her philosophy is encouraging independence. Maria says if a child can do something by himself don't ever do it instead of them unfortunately. She recognized that many years ago now I Think it's much worse than it used to be 56 years ago because now the whole world of the parents is arranged around their kids. The setting it at home, outside, it's not really great for kids and for boosting their independence. They are overwhelmed with toys instead of being involved in whatever activities they see us practicing at home lots of parents do not allow their kids. To help them clean to pour their milk to drink by themselves to put their shoes by themselves. to get dressed by themselves and these are all activities that many Montessori thinks we should encourage in our kids because ultimately every human being desires to get autonomy and become independent. We have a deep drive to do that. I'm a huge fan of teaching a child independence. This is one of the things which I did with mica when he started feeding himself.

I did the baby led weaning mainly because of this I really enjoyed that he is able to feed himself And he's able to, why would I feed him instead another one is provide the right settings. The settings from of the Saudi schools are amazing they're beautiful. They're warm, their pride they're you know you just want your child to be there. I feel like I want to be there as well usually she talks about the physical environment where everything needs to be small and low.

For example, the chairs need to be chairs for kids and now I know that sounds crazy because every single nursery would have chairs for kids but at the time when she was dividing his philosophy. The kids in the nursery did not have small chairs. They would use adults chairs instead, so she talks about the color so the furniture. It needs to be light-colored. It needs to be really Well organized to sort of support the spirituality. It needs to be orderly, harmonious bright with flowers with potentially fish or other small animals that the kids can take care of and the Whole environment needs to be in good order.

She says the order is not because of being tidy up and we want everything to be tied up. But because the other helps the mental development of the child as well another important component is that The groups are mixed. So the kids are not with the same age children, but they're with older children and all the children with younger children. 

They're all of the teachers in the Montessori setting is not to teach the kids. It's to facilitate the process, it's to make sure that they allow the child to engage in the activity that they're interested in and to foster it somehow doubt interfering in the same way the kids learn from the older kids. There which is win-win situation because little kids love learning from other kids and other kids not only share their knowledge which reinforce their learning and teaching, but also they feel more self-confident.

It boosts their self-esteem that they're doing something for someone else when the child is a Montessori setting they do work, although they don't call it work, but cause its activities and when Montessori observed kids doing their work she realized that it's very different than the way adults do work.

Montessori Setting

First of all, kids would work repetitively until they fulfill their desire to do the work that they're doing And second, they do the work for the joy of doing it rather for the NDP's out. According to Mary, Mother sorry, we are all natural learners. We love learning cried from the beginning and there is a time when I think I can see that with lots of around me. 

When they grow up when the light in their eyes is dimmed by the traditional Montessori education is more about boosting creativity. Making sure that kids are thinking for themselves that they are collaborating that the critical thinker. More importantly, that they're following their own internal calling inner calling. Something which nowadays from very early on we posted in our kids through television through toys that are horrible for them.

Most of them sort of shutter down their inner voice in many ways. Students will go through Montessori settings unlikely to do better in life and to be more confident with the decisions. They take and with the work they do some well-known Montessori students are; Gabriel Garcia, Marquez, Beyonce, Julia, Child Sergey Brin and Larry Page the founders of Google and Jeff Bezos the Founder of Amazon. 

So you can see lots of lots of interesting and creative people adopted and went to this lovely philosophy. I'll say it's just an amazing philosophy for children's education. There are lots of critics of Montessori usually the critics is around the fact.

That if a child starts in a nursery they cannot continue traditional school because they're not well prepared and I agree with that, yes, they are not well prepared to sit down on a chair for eight hours a day. The classrooms of Montessori are open movement space and the teacher sometimes can go throughout.

the whole morning without really teaching anything because the kids learn by themselves and some other critic says that the name, it's widely used by people who are not really. Montessori teachers unfortunately or fortunately I don't know she didn't care about these things, but Montessori did not they marked her name so lots of schools say that their Montessori School without really adopting all of the Montessori philosophy. 

Others say that there is too much freedom as they said and too much freedom, it's not good to be given to kids others feel comfortable with the fact that there are no grades and there is no way to compare the child to the average. Or above the average Which is something which Montessori? Deeply care not to do. 

There are critics is in any other educational theory but above all. I think we all need to choose what how we see and what we want for our kids and even if we don't just want to sorry because here in London we don't have Montessori School. We have on the story nurseries but the school I think it's only one but even what do you do at home, how do you adopt some of her philosophy in a day to day Play with your child so I'm going to do.

In the next articles showing you some activities for toddlers at this stage because is free so these are the activities that I'm doing at the moment with him look for that next week. I'm super interested in that topic in this particular moment of my life so anything that you share I really really appreciate.

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