How To Montessori At Home, Follow The Children Rules

Montessori in Practices

Montessori in Practices
Montessori in Practices

Today's article I'm going to answer some of your questions if you remember a few weeks Ago I asked you if you have any questions and I recorded the Q&A many of your questions were in relation to Montessori at home.

I’m tackling them there are more or less the same or similar and I thought that this article will be very useful for those of you. That is interested to implement Montessori at home or who are more interested in how they can be the Montessori parents. For those of you that don't know last year I found it a Montessori nursery school, which is for children between the age of two and five and I studied with the Montessori Center international the Montessori curriculum and the Montessori program. So now I'm almost a Montessori teacher qualified teacher, I'm half way from my second year And for the placement.

I’ve covered all the theory. I studied in detail the Montessori philosophy the Child development which I already studied before during my master degree in psychology as well, so that was more like an expansion but I also run the nursery. I have the day-to-day experience with little children and seeing how the Montessori philosophy is embodied in our daily life now what's Montessori I've already done some articles about Montessori is if you won't go

Maria Montessori, she was an extremely progressive woman for her time. Back in the previous century in 900 all five nine all six she was in charge of one area of Rome. Where she had to take care of the children who were the children of the people who are going to work very very poor children. so the mayor gave her these children and said what can you do with them

And she started observing them and that's how her journey with the Education and specifically with children between zero and six started and when nowadays we hear about the Montessori philosophy. Normally we associate that with lots of freedom for the child one of the main tenants. The Montessori philosophy is for the child that's why it's quite closely related to the natural parent things nowadays to feel income demand for making sure that you follow your child's needs rather than imposing them yours it's very much about the affectionate parent.

About you know doing the natural thing for your children. I think that many of us are Montessori parents without knowing that we are following the Montessori philosophy. Certainly, I did not know much about Ruth sari before, but when I studied it now in details I realized that.

Follow The Children Rules

Montessori in Practices
Montessori in Practices

They said is follow the child how you can do that at home. It' not as hard as you think it is it's about giving them freedom, giving them a lot of space to choose their own activities. To choose independently what are the things that they want to do to engage in activities that they are feeling that they want to do rather than you choosing for themselves. Also to let them be who they are and give them lots of space to choose and concentrate on the things that are they're doing.

There is this I feel that within parents there is this feeling that we need to interfere all the time when our children are doing something we need to entertain them all the time because oh they can get bored. They may you know have an eat idle time when they don't do much that's not Montessori. Montessori it's even if you see your child concentrating on serving and from your point of view they're bored to not do anything but preserve their concentration.

Let them be bored, let them explore freely let them go and choose all the things they want to Montessori was very much based on a few foundations so if you can imagine there is a triangle you know here is the child. So I always fold the child, and here is the favorable environment so how can you build a favorable environment that supports the human tendencies that the child was born with what do we mean by that children are born wanting to be independent wanting to be excellent wanting to have the sense of human tenancy of the order of Gregorius nests of beauty

Children Sensitive Periods

Montessori in Practices
Montessori in Practices

Exactly cute, so they were born with that it's up to us to create an environment where they can express these human tendencies. Montessori talks a lot about the sensitive periods between 0 & 6 which is the face when the in so-called absorb online. In these sensitive periods, these are sensitive Periods for language acquisition for refinement of the fine motor skills and for the order.

These are the time periods means that it's the crucial time where a child is very receptive to Certain stimuli. So they very easily and smoothly and effortlessly can learn something, that's why children accumulate language with such ease. You can't reduce them to two three four languages at that age three to five years of age and they acquire this language very very easily.

Favorable environment means that you take into consideration be sensitive periods. You take into consideration the fact that they were born with certain needs and tendencies and then you create an environment that supports them to express these human tendencies. So in very much in terms of physical environment, it's great if you can build around the environment, at least in their room where they're a child. Sized furniture where they can easily reach the things that they're looking for to put them in order and beautifully arranged.

If you can avoid plastic or noisy toys or if you can avoid toys that are very colorful with lots of fathers appealing to different sorts of senses to the child, it's much better so it's better if it's why the natural colors and wooden if possible and not cluttered because children have this need. In order to order. I know a lot of you would say that's totally not true my children will make a complete mess with the toys on the floor and they don't really care that it's messy, so how can they really care about the order but the fact is they do if you give them let's say lots of cars.

They'll put them in the order they'll put them in a row they have this innate need, but they also see us and if you are there to clean up the mess for them, then they're not learning to put the things back and if you everything that you arrange in. The room is in such a way that they can easily see and work with the materials that you put there, that's great too so created a favorable environment for me.

Favorably environment as well is related to the language you use. So, a Montessori parent would be very careful with the language we use and the language. We try to be very positive and avoiding words like no and I know that that's really hard I mean I tried it and tested it so many times mice.

Although I'm so aware of it and still I say no more often than I wish I you know I would use the word now there are very different ways. You can use different words instead of now. So for example, you can say I cannot let you do that because certain things and then just simply say no and by creating a favorable environment. What we normally mean is that you created in such a way that it's said that it's really interesting for them. If it works with their need for exploration.

You don't have to go after them and saying no you shouldn't touch this, no you shouldn't touch that. So if you prepare your environment well. You don't really have to use no all the time another one which is big for. Helped you guys in some way and apologies is very long. As I said I can talk for hours about this subject and I hope if you like this.

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